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Ryszard Zadow

The RAFE Canard Flight Academy has the best flight training available to prepare you to fly a canard, get you current or teach you formation flight.

Our Gyroflug Speed Canard is an exceptional factory-aircraft built in Germany. It’s fully redundant cockpits allows safe, high quality instruction never before available to future canard Pilots. Our transition training program is approved by insurance underwriters to be a direct transition from the Speed Canard to a LongEZ, Varieze or Cozy aircraft. Our Instructor staff is like no other, with thousands of hours of canard and formation flight time.

Initial and Transition Canard flight training:

  • Initial Speed Canard checkouts and transition to other canard training is tailored to the individuals needs.

  • Canard flight ground school: $300

  • Speed Canard; $200/hour Dual.

  • Flight Instructors rates: $50/hour.

Formation Training

  • Ground school can be attended at a clinic or tailored to the individuals training.

  • Each Formation Flight requires the Student with an Instructor, a lead aircraft and Pilot.

  • Formation Ground School: $200

  • 2 plane formation instruction flights: $450/hr

Canard Flight Academy is based at Covington Municipal Airport, M04, Covington, TN.

Contact RAFE at and Schedule your flight with the Canard Flight Academy today!

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