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Oshkosh 2023 is almost here!

Ryszard Zadow

Every year the Rutan Aircraft Flying Experience goal is to have all our flying aircraft at OSH . RAFE has had TEN flying aircraft donated to us and the logistics keep getting more challenging. That’s a lot of coordination and expense.

Though we never can predict how many of our fleet will be present each year, one thing is certain, we wouldn’t be able to make it at all without the help of our beloved Volunteers and the individuals and companies that donate and sponsor RAFE. Last year we held our first ever GoFundMe to help get Lady Vi to OSH and the support was humbling. This year’s expenses relating to repairs and upgrades to our one of a kind training aircraft, the Speed Canard, has drained our bank account. We strive not to be one of those non-profits that are constantly asking for donations but it is always a struggle. Without the help of the fantastic companies the supported the Lady Vi effort the 50th anniversary of the VariViggen would have been celebrated without a VariViggen present at OSH.

In two years the 50th anniversary of the Varieze will be upon us. We’re already making plans for 2025 to be the biggest Rutan AirVenture celebration ever! If we could get a VariViggen that never flew before finished, test flown and arrived at OSH in such a short time period I know we can make 2025 the anniversary it deserves to be. It’s important to note the Lady Vi project could not have happened without the support of all the companies that helped us with components we desperately needed. This is why I’d like to take a moment to thank our Sponsors and explain again the relationship RAFE has with Sponsors. We support those that support us, but more importantly, we USE the products and services those Sponsors provide for us. If we do not believe in it, we don’t endorse it. We feel so strongly about the products we use and the Sponsors that help us with their products that we will go all out to help promote them.

It’s the least we can do, after all, our Sponsors don’t just help us with products and discounts, they provide us with products that make our aircraft perform great, are reliable and SAFE! We want your aircraft to also perform well, be reliable and safe which is why we support our Sponsors!

See you at OSH!

Ryszard Zadow

President, RAFE

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